Surrey ICT Techs - Mailing List

Welcome to the Surrey ICT Techs mailing list website.. a replacement for the older "Surrey Techs" mailing list.

Any I.T. Co-ordinator, IT Technician, Contractor or Supplier are very welcome to join the list and discussions. Previous topics have spanned many areas including:

* Broadband suppliers and contracts questions and advice
* SIMS advice
* Job postings
* Office 365 use and migration discussions
* Hardware discussions and recommendations (LCD Screens, Projectors, Visualisers etc.)
* Domain and DNS help
* General troubleshooting.

The Surrey ICT Techs mailing list has been setup after a long-running predecessor, SurreyTechs, is due to close.


Please fill in the form below to join the new SurreyICT mailing list.

Your name:
Your e-mail address:
Relation to I.T. in schools


Q: I was a member of the previous Surrey Techs mailing list. Am I automatically on the new list?
A: This has not been possible. The previous administrator of Surrey Techs was, quite sensibly, not keen on handing over member contact details without prior consent from the members. The safest route has been to setup a new and blank list and request for previous members to sign up themselves again.

Q: Will I get spam or marketing?
A: The purpose of the list is discussions between technicians in schools.. it isn't designed for companies to tout their services. While suppliers may be present (Babcock, SoftEgg etc.) and respond with support or advice it isn't designed as a marketing tool.

Q: How does a mailing list work?
A: When a member e-mails the message is duplicated and sent on to every member. When people reply to the message the reply is also sent to everyone.
You can always reply directly to the original sender "off-list" if you wish to start a private conversation.
All messages via the mailing list automatically contain "[surreyict]" in the subject, this makes it easy to create a rule in your e-mail program to move messages to a folder of your choice if you prefer to not have them appear in your inbox.

Q: My messages sometimes never got delivered on the old list, how can I be sure my message arrived?
A: The mailing list software will send you a "Successful delivery" e-mail to confirm delivery.

Q: Can I tell my colleague or friend about the list?
A: Please do! I don't have a way to publicise the list to every I.T. Technician across Surrey so word of mouth is the only way.

Leaving or administration queries

Please e-mail Tom Brook ( ) to request removal from the list or for any administration questions.